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Beginning an Evolution!

StartFragmentHow often do we talk about wanting a revolution? It's pretty much a daily news event thanks to the political environment we currently find ourselves in. We want everything around us to be different. We want to affect change. We sometimes think that if things were different around us, that would somehow make our lives better. Maybe that's true on some level, but really it's just another excuse we make for why we don't have the life we think we should have. It's everyone's fault. My boss, my company, politicians, spouse, kids...on and on and on we go with excuses about why we're so unhappy. But I want to argue something with you. Maybe what we need isn't a revolution. What if a 180 degree turn isn't what you need. You've heard the saying "it's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." What if that's true. Things will always happen TO us. How we handle it, that's really where the magic happens.

So here it is...maybe what we need is an evolution not a revolution. What needs to change isn't the world around us, it's us. Do you know what evolution is? It's the act of adapting and becoming something different than you were today. An evolution includes your mind, body, and spirit.

So are you ready for your version 3.0? Are you ready to be better tomorrow than you were today? Then let's do this together!

Strive for more, in yourself. Accept excellence, from yourself. Work to be better, for yourself. EndFragment

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