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Better Tomorrow

Here we are, less than a week before the new year. 2017 is on its way and so are all the resolutions we make for ourselves; working out, eating better, feeling better, career goals, relationship goals, on and on the resolution list goes. We make all these goals at the beginning of the year and then watch them slowly dwindle as the weeks go by. Life gets in the way and we come up with all sorts of excuses about why we couldn't keep them. The feeling of failure sets in and we think to ourselves, "well, there's always next year".

What if there was a better way to approach your new years resolutions. What if you could just simplify what you wanted for yourself by deciding to be better tomorrow than you were today? It takes your resolutions from long-term vision to a simple "one day at a time" approach. It doesn't matter what the activity is, the end goal is about making yourself better each day. "Better" is measured by you and it doesn't have to be over complicated.

For me personally, once I started using this technique, I stopped looking at those resolutions as failures and started looking at them as exactly what they were. One day, then the next day, and the next. Each day becomes a new opportunity to be better tomorrow, than I was today. It's about moving forward instead of looking backward.

So, how can you successfully maintain your "Better Tomorrow" approach? First, think of one thing each day that you can do that will make you a better version of yourself tomorrow. Here are 10 of my favorites:

1 - Read an article that gives you a new insight or some new knowledge about a subject

2 - Prepare a healthy meal to take with you for lunch tomorrow

3 - Walk for 20 minutes at lunch time around your building (or in your building if it is large enough)

4 - Take 10 minutes to meditate. There are some wonderful apps the can help you quiet your mind and focus your attention (I like Headspace)

5 - Take 30 minutes (or more) to sit with your family after dinner and simply be present in a conversation with them

6 - Find and post a positive thought each day to center yourself (and help others in their own journey)

7 - Take 10 minutes to write down your thoughts for the day and plan for tomorrow

8 - Pick one new skill a week that you would like to learn and practice it for 10 minutes each day

9 - Watch a 10-20 minute video everyday teaching you something new (here is a great list of places to go

10 - Do one thing a day for someone else. It's amazing how the simple act of doing for others improves us.

Notice that not a single thing on this list takes more than 30 minutes. Of course you can take more time as you have it, but the idea is to remove the normal barrier of "I just don't have the time". It doesn't take hours a day to make yourself better. It is literally little steps each day that drive you forward into being better tomorrow than you were today.

Hopefully, by this time next year, as you look back at 2017, you may find that you are happier, healthier, and more positive about who you are and the life you have.

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